A Complete Holistic CenterHelping You Understand Your Health
Latest Blogs

Managing Holiday Stress
A Message from Dr. Julie: Reducing Stress Naturally The statement that “stress kills” is true, but...

Doctor Julie Marchiol – Breathing and Ayurvedic medicine.
Doctor Julie Marchiol - Breathing and Ayurvedic medicine. Did...

Doctor Bryan joins Ascent Health Center
Doctor Bryan Ascent Health Center is excited to announce that Dr. Bryan Miller DC has joined our...

What are your th1 and th2 doing
Doctor Julie Marchiol explains the importance of th1 and th2. For...
All Blogs
Managing Holiday Stress
A Message from Dr. Julie: Reducing Stress Naturally The statement that “stress kills” is true, but...
Doctor Julie Marchiol – Breathing and Ayurvedic medicine.
Doctor Julie Marchiol - Breathing and Ayurvedic medicine. Did...
Doctor Bryan joins Ascent Health Center
Ascent Health Center
Please join us to welcome Doctor Bryan to Ascent Health Center.
Doctor Julie Marchiol Breathing and Masks
Doctor Julie Marchiol in Denver Colorado explains the importance of proper breathing....
What are your th1 and th2 doing
Doctor Julie Marchiol explains the importance of th1 and th2. For...
Sending Kids back to school
T cells and immunity
Testimonial from Adam THANK YOU FOR YOUR...
Weight management
Doctor Julie Marchiol weight loss and neurofeedback
Doctor Julie Marchiol - Neurofeedback and brain strength.
Tests are available – Doctor Julie Marchiol with Ascent Holistic Health
Doctor Julie Marchiol - Interesting information about symptoms. Call...
Self Care
The end of the year is chaotic! We spend Oct-Dec running around going from party to party, meeting...
Knee Knowledge Part II
Welcome to part II of the Knee Knowledge Series (if you didn't catch it earlier this month go over...
Benefits of Castor Oil CASTOR OIL PACK Supplies for Castor Oil Pack Flannel or wool cloth...
Knee Knowledge Part 1
We treat so many people with knee injuries and/or chronic knee pain, and with a very good success...
Candida Woes
Candida is one of those issues that western medicine refuses to recognize or understand. If you...
Brain Hacking 101
Everyone wants the ability to perform at an optimal level in all aspects of life! Neurofeedback...
Are You Getting Enough Dirt?
We live in a society where gut issues run rampant, leaky gut is everywhere and autoimmune...
Summer Gazpacho Recipe
INGREDIENTS ½ cucumber, peeled, seeded ½ large red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded 2 pounds very ripe...
Love Your Body Part 2: What to Eat and Avoid
There are hundreds of ways to encourage detoxification in the body, and with dozens of programs...